Friday, March 13, 2009

ibiza Madness 2008

When : Sept 19-30, 2008
Where: London, Ibiza, & Brighton
Why: It's all about a thought in May 2008
What : This is a non-stop partying trip :)

To Alex, Dear Daniel, Egg, Lavinia, Leonora, Mandy, Michelle, Mo, Phillip, Steve and Tony:

Thank You!
I had such a good time with ya'll


Hong Kong -> London

I was filled with anxiety when I got on the plane. I guess I wasn’t physically prepared for the trip. I was working the whole day earlier. I went home to pick up my luggage, running late to the airport & being the last one to get into the aircraft. I was panting in my seat & my phone was ringing!! *Luke, you owe me once*

I was worried about if the trip would be spoiled by the facts I can’t control, like timing, people, weather. Or maybe I would fight with Lavinia to screw up the whole trip, maybe we would get lost to each other. And what would happen at home & at work without me there? Would any of my friends think of me for a couple of seconds? one or two maybe? My tears dropped & I fell in asleep for 11 hours!!

I thought I was the luckiest to kill that 13-hour long fight easily, ... until I got to the UK customs. They kept me for more than an hour & asked me 80+ questions.

"Hi how are you doing? Is it the first time you come to United Kingdom? What for? How long will you still here? when & where are you going after UK? can you please show me your return ticket? How much cash are you having on hand? So, you had been travelling a lot in Asia. for biz or pleasure? Where are you staying in London? How did you know your friend? Are they u.k. resident? Please take a seat and I make a call to your friend for confirmation."

It sucks. Well, I blamed it on my beauty to cause their suspect.

I felt great to walk out from the arrival gate. Here started my trip!! First of all is to buy an Oyster Card.

It isn’t complicated as people said you need to check which zone you’re going to, one way or returning, blah blah blah. An advice from the customer service officer is always using the oyster card when you’re travelling by underground (only) more than one way per day. It’s always cheaper than the traveller card or the day pass.

Heathrow T5 & Finsbury Park stations are on the Piccadilly line with 20+ stops in between.. I enjoyed that 70 minutes tube ride. In the beginning there’s greenery out of the windows. The platform looked like the KCR one :p but just made of more bricks & full of British. There’s a real British lad sitting next to me. He looks totally the same as I thought: Head shaved, piercing on eyebrow, adidas tracksuit & he looks like he can fight. I like this English charm, HaHaHa. I saw most of ladies were fully make up. Maybe it’s during the peak hour to work and they look like they can fight too.

I should wear a mini skirt instead of pants... It was killing me to carry my luggage to walk up 200+steps of stairs & no one give me a hand.

Finally got outta station & caught a bus to head to Phillip’s. It supposed to get there in 20 mins, however I extended to one hour.. ermmm.. I had a nice walk on the path along the houses under the sun and I got an interviewed by a 5 year-old girl in a school uniform. She asked why I need a beer in the morning :D hahaha well, Phillip’s house is next to the pub.

09:25AM, I made it to the house! After a shower, I went shopping with Leonora at Tesco for food. I always wanna have a personal liter of milk (and Bailey’s too :p)! and I bought a pack of fresh blackberries, you know, I never seen it before. **big green ady LOL** Also grabbed some salad greens (very cheap!!), yogurt & a pack of “ding-ding” PIE haha.

After a bite, a cup of tea & watched the slimmer Britney on TV with Leonora, I took a nap before going to The Great British Museum. When I woke up, I saw Phillip!!!! Seeing Phillip is a happy thing, a defo, but those “!!!!” behind means Phillip came back at 7pm!!!! I lost my day ...yet, the evening just started! Phillip brought me to a grocery store to get something for the cocktails. I pointed at a soft, kind of hairy short eggplant & asked him what that is. He bought it & let me try.

**if all the men do the same when I just point at anything, I am willing to die before 40!**

So, that's a fresh fizzy Fig. It doesn't taste like what it looks like .. but it's always an experience with any first try laaa!

After Phillip’s signature orange cocktails, I got geared up & aggressive for the night! However, I was the only one. They all stayed in. I understand that, sometimes I can’t move on Friday evening after a long day at work. They promised to store up the energy for the next night. It’s pretty cold in the evening, I borrowed a jumper from Leonora, Phillip borrowed me his SIM card & sent me to the bus stop.

Ady was exploring London’s nightlife by herself! It sounds unsafe but it’s safer than ever ‘coz I didn’t have anyone to count on.

I met a black guy in the tube. He was going to Farringdon too. He’s so funny to try to tell me all he knows about the city in a short a ride. He dressed in golden ‘coz it was the London fashion week & he just came from another party. He showed me how beautiful the souvenir chocolate was :s I did the worst move to him. I pretended I missed the tube.. I know it’s ugly but I really didn’t feel comfortable when he continually told me he’s a good guy for over 10 times.

I didn’t check for the way out sign at all. I knew that I wasn’t able to understand that. The easiest way is to follow the party people. You can tell they all going to Fabric in the tube.

77a Charterhouse St, Clerkenwell, EC1M 3HN, U.K.
+44 - 0 - 20 7336 8898

Venue Size:
Large / 3 Rooms

*ask for a stronger mixed at the bar :)

I couldn’t find my name of the list. THANKS AGAIN, LUKE! I had to queue up with the tourists... Luckily I met the local people as soon as I got into the club. Fabric is a massive club. I try to recall it now. There’s like one huge room for live with the incredible laser lights, one small room with the similar design but with the booth on the side & the other room I remember was the smallest with the Yumla bricks.:p for sure I can’t remember where these rooms are on which floors ‘coz I walked up & down so many times like there’s 7-floor! HaHa. That night, I had lots of vodka & tonic, a Scottish kiss and an English tablet. Happy!!


It was a big day of my trip.. MEETING MANDY!!

Can't you imagine there is another you in the other side of the planet? She is such a cool girl & very understanding to tell me that “Never mind. Go back & have sex one more time then come to meet me an hour later.”

It was such a beautiful day, the breeze came under the sunshine! it was so nice to catch up with her next to a hundred+ years old prison. Does anyone know what that castle called? xxxxxx Hill tube?!

We also did all the tourists' actions like,

Boat Trip on Thames River
- we saw one of the bridge opened!!
- we saw 2 hot guys from a hundred of "senior" passengers
- we saw a giant vibrator

London Eye
- special tickets by Mandy's student card;
- London is really beautiful with historical buildings & open area like parks to chill

London Bus
- somehow is fun to chase it around

Trafalgar Square
- i got some porno foto shooting in front of that lion but i got myself in trouble to get down on the ground China Town;
- Mandy looked for her beloved Chinese noodle & I looked for the fake Chinese take away of crispy noodle with "glue" sauce but failed.
- To take a snap at that famous SANYO sign!

~This is my favourite photo of me & Mandy ~
We took a tube back to her house on the West End to rested awhile before going out to the Egg.

200 York Way, Kings Cross, London. N1. England
+44 - 0 - 207 609 8364

Venue Size:
£12 Rack

*a place for after party*    

We picked a wrong night... it's a closing party for the London Fashion Week. This is how we got on the guestlist. People there were more to be seen than partying. It's a funny experience to head to EGG though. I learn a new way to wake up from Mike. We took a shuttle bus from somewhere & our server dressed like Aaron Kwok. HaHa. It put excited to get in. and hey, the bouncer checked my id card. i thought i should be proud until he said "Oh, i can't tell you're almost 30!" - LOUDLY!!Angry

It's a huge club with 3 rooms on different floors & an opened area to chilland smoke. I love the one on ground floor the most, techno in a metallic room! I met a 22-year kid under the big tent. He asked if anyone of us had been to ibiza. He just came back from last month had a wicked time there, said he is going back next summer. His mate shut him up & told us he has been annoying to tell everyone about ibiza since he came back a week ago. Will i turn to be him after tomorrow?

That night Mandy & i ended up singing along with Madonna on the street at 4am & we shared bed at Mike's. Good time!

London, United Kingdom -> ibiza, Spain

Mandy drove me home at afternoon. Funny ride!

p.s.: my handphone failed to take a long clip. in the end Mandy moved the car & told me "you missed nothing sweetie"

My flight to ibiza scheduled to depart at 18:25 from London GatwickAirport. I took a quick shower & packed my stuffs then and a long way metro to the airport. Big thanks to Philip for sending me to the underground as my baggage's wheel was flatted from the day 1.

I hate the transportation in London, such a mess! I thought underground means fast & convenience but now i know it just applies for the one in HK! The Victoria line has been shut since i came & this time, the Circle line only ran one-way. Asking the staffs is bullshit. The information they provide could be totally wrong! You have to listen to the announcement & read the notice board before the marks came off! This mess can kill anyone who carries a heavy luggage. it got me nuts to run around. There's only one person did helped me to push my baggage behind me when we were walking upstairs and she is American. She told me no need to thank her as she had been in the same situation before & there is no one giving hands! The most difficult one is at Victoria station... LONG STAIRS UP! I was really frustrated & yelled "diuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..!" This magic word drew people attention as it does in HK HaHa. the 2nd star came over & help me out.

At Victoria station, the directions to Gatwick airport is pretty easy as the signs are everywhere. However, the train platform is changing all the time. I bought a normal ticket but in the end I got into the express one 'coz the station staffs insisted that my train was gonna depart at that platform...After 30 mins, I arrived London Gatwick Airport and heading straight to Easy Jet's counter.

After 30 mins, I arrived London Gatwick Airport and heading straight to Easy Jet's counter.

I don't see any signs for the flights to ibiza to check-in. The information counter staff said I can just check in at any of EasyJet's counters by showing my passport. The check-in process was quick and the staff urged me to run to the gate immediately 'coz there's only 30 mins left until the gate closed.

I was so happy & excited to get on the EZY plane off to the partyland. Once i got through the ma-fan customs check & got into the departure area, i read a horrible news - My flight was going to be delayed for 4 hours!!

I was hoping to see Lavinia & head to the middle of WE LOVE... SPACE but then it meant i would be landing ibiza at 1am. arrrrrr i almost cried. I checked all the alcoholic items & new arrival perfume at the duty free, listened to all the available tunes at HMV but that 4-hour was way too long to kill! End up i treated myself a big meal in an italian restaurant which costs me £40!! i was very grumpy when i saw another planes took off from the window.

it had not finish yet, everyone waited at the gate for another hour & no one told us what was going on. It's better to wait at the gate though as the ibiza rockerss could hang out together. we started drinking the mix of duty free booze & the pricey coke from the machines.

Finally, we got into the aircraft at 11pm but there was no different 'coz we were all waiting again! something really interesting happened that 3 fully armed policemen got into the plane & came to me ... i thought and it made me really nervous. They asked the guy next to me to get outta da plane. 20 mins after, the pilot announced that we could eventually take off. The plane was being fixed by the technicians for 4 hours & they found something banned in one of the passenger's luggage..

so, i arrived ibiza with my nearly empty power bar at 3 in the morning. I took a cab to the hotel straight. 36€ for about 20mins is way cheaper than in London. I saw so many exciting posters & signs on the highway & the cabby told me that's Amnesia & Privilege is opposite... I realized I was on the partyland! when we drove to the San Antonio town, oh my god, it's 3am & it's still busy. i was really excited & getting high when i finally met Lavinia in the hostel!! It has been long time that i haven't' speak in Cantonese HaHa. We couldn't make it to Space as there was 2+hours left & we stayed on San Antonio. Only choices were El Divino or Eden. Ha, that's not bad for me 'coz i was struggling to see Judge Jules or not. So we spent our 1st night out for Judgement Sunday closing party @Eden. Since it was late & i saw people leaving the club already, we bargained the tix down into 1 ticket for 2 HeeHee :) I didn't see Jules but Lisa Lashes. Oh my god, she looks so cool while she spun & the tunes were surprisingly much better than what i downloaded People were already fucked up. Everyone was dancing non-stop. The balloons, sexy crowns, crazy lightings, wasted people, hard dancing music made it like a carnival in hell! It was so new to me & it also touched me that i was in ibiza. i was the one of the 2,000 people in the club! My first ever ibiza trip had just began.

No photograph taken until i met Lavinia. my phone was flatted for such a long wait.. was i the only traveller without a camera?

Calle Salvador Espriu,
San Antonio, 07820, Ibiza
+34 971 342551

Venue Size:

ibiza, Spain

Lavin & I moved to a proper hotel:

This hotel is newly renovated. I felt good once i got in to hear the chill out music in the lobby. The boss Tony is very helpful. He know this is our first time to ibiza. He drew us a map & guide us what the best things were happening on ibiza. He got one thing in common as Luke --- he likes the Thai restaurant CoCo in LKF!!

C/ Ramon y Cajal 34 07820
Sant Antoni de Portmany, Spain

+34 971 341 208

There's no saunas, cinemas or gyms but wi-fi & a computer in the lobby for public. According to my on-line research, this is the only hotel with these access for FREE iin San. Lovely!

As a room guest, we're entitled to access the swimming pool facilities of another hotel where's just 50 meters away. I love to chill in the room balcony the most. Our room has a view of a football stadium and another hotel's belconies in the opposite. It's like a meat market. I saw the guys were flirting with the girls on my side & i also saw the girls in a street away showing their hot bodies by dancing to the loud music from a bar on the ground!

It was a cloudy day. We postponed the sunset strip at Cafe Mambo to the next day. We set an alarm to take a nap until 4pm then check DC10. However, we woke up at 8pm... and i found that i lost my passport!! i was running around to the hostel i stayed last night, walked along the streets i've been to. arrr i was so lost & my shoe was broken i went back to the hotel & started drinking. Fuck that i came for leisure but not headache. i rather reported the cops on the next day!

Lavin & I drank half bottle of vodka before going out. We had a lovely encounter with Michelle & Rene from Australia in a lift. They just started their first trip to Europe a few weeks ago. We shared a cab to the biggest club in the world - PRIVILEGE.

San Antonio Rd, Ibiza Town.
+34 -0- 971 198160

Venue Size:

*wear your craziest outfits ~ i saw many mankini!!

First, we were forced to pay €3 to deposit the camera before getting in.

Second, we met Zusanne & Monika the cool girls from Czech Republic when Sander van Doorn was putting the warm up sets.

Third, I crashed into the ladies and locked myself up in the toilet for a couple of hours!! I was very very drunk... i tried to get out but failed for a few times. i was so sick & thought i was done & called it a night . . .

Luckily Zusane found me there & brought me back to Lavin. Somehow i was fully charged once Illusion was on hear . We went to the "Tommy's area" Oh my god, this club is huge like a stadium! The front dancing area is bigger than star hall in HK. There's another one in the back where's a pool in between! VIP areas are on the side & upstairs in front of the dj booth. There was a chill out area in the very back & a big garden terrace. well, i'm not sure if i had been everywhere in the club although i got lost a few times. It’s huge!

This is a night to remember... I met a cute guy from italy & his name is Mo The story started in the Terrace, I saw someone was running to the empty seat where i was going to take it to have a rest (hell i was in heels!!) Ady won of course as she is well-trained by MTR for years He stayed there & started to talk to me. The sparkle started by our first photo.. he kissed me!! Believe me, i was nervous as it came in a sudden. I told myself that i wouldn't show him my fear plus, hey, i was on ibiza! so, i kissed him back *_*

He torn a vip wrist band off from his friend for me to get me in. Holy shit, it’s the best view of the club! But listen, the VIP areas over the world are boring. i rather got rubbed by the sweating bodies in the real party crowd with loud music.

That night, an unspoken consensus was found between Lavin & I. HaHa... I am glad that i didn't pick a wrong travel bud this time, yeahhh!

ibiza, Spain

A riot - the room was like been shaking upside down! It looked worse than an earthquake that everything was laying on the floor, even the mirror was moved as well! HaHa good job Mo!

We walked around San Antonio Town. It was a cloudy day still, no sunset strip for us. We did another tourists thing - having lunch at David's Pizzeria.. ho ho mei pizza arrrrrrrrrr!! ...but not the pasta. - I guess it is because someone's dish is always better than mine.

There are so many cool shops on those small lanes, record stores, Nightclub outlets, party shops, fashion boutiques. I was stopped at a tattoo shop for a long while. i wanted to get myself one from this trip to record that I was rocking on that while isle. However, I didn’t have an idea on patterns, neither or where to put it. I left when I heard that terrible noisy made from that machine!! arrrrrrrrrr..I didn’t think I could stand that pain. I should get there again when I was really really drunk.

In fact, I was sober and my body was functioning so well that I saw my passport was kept in Lavini's purse. She forgot hers was dropped at the reception & thought mine was hers.

Mo did not eat his words from the night before. His friends Mena & Tony picked us up at the hotel to drive me & Lavin all the way to Playa D’en Bossa! They stayed at Jet apartments where’s just basic. To be honest, it’s ugly but definitely built for party animals. It is right next to Bora Bora beach bar & only 10 minutes on foot to SPACE & 5 mins by car to PACHA.

We did some doses & shoots quickly at Mo's ‘coz Lavin & I couldn’t wait to step into this famous bar. First time we heard of Bora Bora was from a friend of Cecile on her birthday junk party in June. He’s also an Italian HaHa. He said no one gonna sleep on the island but partying at least 3 days in a row and Bora Bora is one of the secret to keep the vibe up & up!

Playa Den Bossa, Ibiza, Spain

Venue Size:
Beach Bar

*Let's get the party started with your beach wear :)

Lavin & I started dancing once we got into the bar. it’s quite hard but we couldn’t stop dancing under that wicked minimal tech! As the camera was taken by the door dude at Privilege the night before, we took loads of photos this time hahaha. See how amazing the people are. Everyone loves music and being friendly, helpful, dancing in freestyle with smile, sharing equipments & the happiness. People just don’t fight for the stupid things like stepping feet or crashing on each other or a wrongly sip of the drinks. it’s such a paradise for party people. I doubt if it ever happen in HK..

Remember it was just a pre-party of the night? After I charged up my power bar back in the apartment by booze, dose & love, we went to Space for Laurent Garnier (well, I was looking for Moby that rumor said he would be the special guest of the night!)

Spacing in the Space was what I had done there. I can’t recall much about that night. I didn't manage to check every room of the club. I remember my queue is much quicker than the vip queue & the doors to get into the main room are as tall as the church one (I believe it is 2-floor or more). I also went to another room which is similar to the main one but the floor has a noticeable slant & I saw a row of hair washing basins where people receiving a massage at the same time!! I was also in a lounge where is in red spotlights with some big “balls” lying on the ground where looked like in Austin Power films! This is all I can remember. See the photos below, you may know why Mo kept me staying in one spot for the rest of the night.

SpaceClub Ibiza, Playa D'en Bossa, Spain
+34 971 396793

Venue Size:


I don’t know how the party ended & how I managed to get back. I only remember I got beep-ed out from a room where's a couple having sex. I didn’t sleep well in my dirty outfits on the tiny sofa sharing with Mo. I was extremely angry in a sudden that I crashed into the room again. I shouted at everyone that I need my own bed!

I shamed about my rude on the next day but soon, I felt better again b‘coz I know no one heard me shout from their reactions HaHa. We were absolutely lost on this while isle.

ibiza, Spain

Lavinia won - she went for a pool party & swimming in the Mediterranean Sea while I was chirping the whole day with Mo.

gee.. how long i haven't seen the sun??

We met up at Bora Bora & warming up until mid-night. Again, Bora Bora is a cool place for pre-party. That minimal tech cheered up all my cells just in a beat! we love you, DJ Heath Holmes :) We made friends with the people we met the previous nights before.

Since we only spent 5 nights on Ibiza & there are 7 mega clubs to go, we were not allowed to go to one club for twice. We let the boys go to Privilege for the Meganite Closing Party. arrrr i want Adam Beyer!! , and Mauro Picotto too.

1AM, we went to the old zoo for Wildlife On One

It looks cool on the flyer, isn’t it? It was a foggy night & really dark to walk up on the hill. There was a guy sought a help from me & Lavin to help him roll in under the wire meshes. He said he would do the same in return but he talked to himself “it’s not a good idea.” & walked away in the end!! What a jerk! So we got in to dig that jerk out.

That's the same venue for the Zoo Project but its closing party was a couple weeks before my trip. GOW was one of the DJs and I missed him again since 2007! The greatest thing of the party was the cheap drinks, it’s only €3 for a vodka mixed!! Look how much I enjoyed the night.

It proves that I do prefer minimal tech than deep & pure ones... and I missed the time with Mo.

Happily left there in an hour but we were in another trouble.. there was no cab up on the hill!! Suddenly I saw a graceful ray. I ran over & did my first hitchhiking ever in my life. They dropped us back in San An & we crashed to PACHA immediately.

Avenida 8 De Agosto, 07800 Ibiza.
+34 971 313 600

Venue Size:
Drink :

*ibiza clubbing experience :)  

We got there at almost 4..
we were really late for the night. A lovely thing happened to ease my nervous away
- Lavin & I got in for FREE!!

That dude was the most lovely bouncer on the planet!!! HeeHee.. Lavin & I managed to see Erick Morillo’s sets in the Subliminal closing party. The owner of the Marfil Hotel said, “as a local, i only go to Pacha for clubbing.” That is so true, a real club filled up clubbing people. Everyone was well-dressed but not exaggerated, the energized staffs giving out the vibe with the tunes, so groovy under the house tunes!!

The most beautiful thing was we got in the middle of the dance floor & surround by all of the cute guys HaHaHa. We’re all dancing together & sharing the crystal together. It was a wonderful moment that everyone was smiling & enjoying the time under the awesome sets by Erick Morillo.

This happiness last until the next morning until afternoon. We had our own gathering under that big big sun! I knew what the taste of vodka & cranberries at noon :)

ibiza, Spain

Lavinia & I woke up at 5pm. No sunset trip again ‘coz it was late & raining. i also missed the chance to go to the other side of the island with MoCrying Therefore, we were not going to miss any half second on the island since then. First of all - SHOPPING

Lavinia knew what to buy but i did not. i stopped at the tatto shop again but I still had no clue. I found a funny pacha hat but it doesn't look good on me... i blamed it's not a day for shopping. End up i spent 1euro on giant Chupa Chups capsule toys, HaHa! Ho Woan woooor!

We had the one & only proper meal on ibiza finally. We dinned at a typical tourists restaurant <- it did looked like but it served the super "ho mei" food. We had a jar of Sangria <- it's the most "beautiful" i've never seen & ho ho mei as well! We ordered a "funny salad" as an appetizer *i forgot what exactly we ordered but i remember it didn't look like what we ordered. And we had Paella as a main course! it was yum yum yum x 1000000! We can't show you how beautiful the food, beverage, restaurant & the guys were 'coz we forgot to bring camera.

Well, they’re all stamped on my mind along with their taste.

After the meal, we got our discounted tickets to Space at the restaurant then we went to Bora Bora to meet up the guys, also to embody the last Bora Bora spirit. We didn't bring along the camera neither 'coz we reached there just 6 minutes before it closed. I was dancing like there is no tomorrow :p

Finally seeing Mo again. We did not have each other's no. & i should show up last night after Pacha but I didn't. I knocked his door at the mid-night. He might property left already. So glad he was still there with a special gift which I just mentioned the night before... How sweet!!

After a long long long conversation, we agreed to go to BE@SPACE first; and then CREAM@AMNESIA.

I know Danny Tenaglia is Mo's favourite dj but I reserved the night for Amnesia b'coz of PvD! i never see him before & somehow the legends die young.. plus, i gonna see Danny T in Brighton soon, so... i had been really bitchy to fight for it.

There was a silly thing happened on the way to Space. I lost the pair of the tickets!! I dug everything out from my pockets on the street but found nothing. I was very sorry to everyone 'coz it was late already & they had to wait even longer. Mo escorted me back to the apartment & luckily we found 'em lying on the chairs - WOW we even had time enough do one more round HaHa.

?Can't you imagine that Lavin & I did the same mistakes again & again? a bouncer stopped us to bring along the camera.

We had to drop it at the cloakroom & showed him the ticket. Mo was getting in from the vip queue which was much longer than the ticket holders’ queue. We lost each others for an hour then. He wasn't there with me in an important moments - I was dancing with a couple of sparklers holding on my hands!! I got them from an entertainer who was dancing like an evil with a horn. Her accessories are as big & heavy as Canton Opera. There's lots of other devils on the dance floor. One sexy fairy was swinging from the ceiling! While Danny Tenaglia started spinning, there's 2 striping dancers on the stage. It shocked my eyes that the black guy striping off his tuxedo & showing his pink girdle underneath! This is what BE@space is - be yourself.

i wonder how many people there were into that. Was it a gay party? not about the striping but i saw many mascular guys!! The concern just gone until they came closer to me & Lavin & danced with us. 4 guys for us, oh my god, we're the happiest small women, whahaha. They all get 6-pack & one of 's arms them are even bigger than my head!! Lavin & i were worried about the bill ‘coz they might be gigolos,.. HaHa of course they aren’t, they’re just the party people like us. This is ibiza.

After an hour of hide & seek, I got caught by Mo & it's about time to whip the cream. I was waiting Mo to grab "the egg" along in the lounge & also waiting Lavin to get back the camera. It was so funny that Lavin came to me & asked if we were ready to leave while she had her camera on hand!! HaHa, i was not leaving until we got some pics!

Here we go - Cream closing party at Amnesia with Eddie Halliwell & Paul van Dyk! They're famous, too famous, people said they're commercial, it's not the same as years ago, blah blah blah.. so what? I have to see them live!

i guess the reasons why we took one hour to get into Amnesia are,
1) we stopped in the apartment again :p
2) we were looking for the car for awhile
3) the car was crawling at 40km/hr

After pumping ourselves til totally up & before getting into the club, Mo urged his friend to stay with & take care of Lavin 'coz this Club is very crazy. WOW sounds great, I couldn't wait any longer!

San Antonio Road, Ibiza Town, Ibiza
+34 971 198041

Venue Size:

45€ rack;
30€ in adv

*dress COOL enough to get in :)

We got in so fine with our wristbands & got in with the camera hidden under my skirt.Light bulb The club was totally packed. I was all the way followed after Mo. I didn't know we were heading to the bar or where else, I stopped in the middle of the dance floor & dancing non-stop.. the beats shook my body! I felt so good but there is no words for that at all. I can still recall the incredible lightings from the night, also the tunes from that loud music with heavy bass in the crispy sound, the crazies party people, the ceiling, the 1/F-high booth, happy faces around. All these gave me the best trip I ever had. It’s all about trance...

please put on your sunglasses to watch these clips

This is the moment when I got into the middle of the dance floor & everyone pulled me down onto the ground for the surprises!

This is filming by Mo

Welcome to the wicked Cream's party

I would be proud and very happy that you can feel the vibes from the photos & videos.

If not, book your flight to ibiza now. Highly recommend to ya'll, party animals!

Spain -> United Kindom

All the goodness comes to the end.

Our flight back to London was scheduled to depart at 10:10, c/in counter closed at 09:30.

Bus goes:
Airport -> 15 mins -> Amnesia -> 15 mins -> San Antonio
San Antonio -> 30 mins -> Airport

However, we left Amnesia at 7ish, got back to the hotel at 8ish and, ... I had not packed yet!! I still remember how quick the shower was, how messy the room was, how freak out I was, how grumpy I was at my luggage which couldn’t be locked! At the same time, Mo was chilling with his joints. Why wouldn’t I book the flight back after that weekend? No matter how, it was the funniest goodbye I did. I got ready at 9 sharp but no one gonna leave that room ‘coz we just finished all that shit in an hour!

I didn’t know how we managed to put those 32kg & 19kg baggage into the car but I remember the EGG said, “no vacation but working my ass off here. You two must have killed somebody & hide it inside. it’s super heavy!” He said that when he was sweating, panting & really working his ass off. I was laughing the whole ride about that, even until I'm back in HK.

Since we could double the driving time from 15 mins to 30+ mins, of course we did the same on the way to the airport. Actually, the problem was - no one could read the sign on the road!

I crashed into the service counter in about 10 minutes before the departure. Lavin & I were such woman-being in just a click - begging the officer to let us in!! That old man was reading his handbook slowly & he looked enjoyable!! It’s always like that whenever you’re in hurry, people are 6 times more relax than usual... Egg left to get Mo, we girls were waiting, waiting & waiting for the man to turn to the last page of his handbook.

“To provide our customers with safe, good value air services, blah blah blah......,” I wanted to press his nose hardly to make him speak faster!

“I, may let… you in BUT,,, You, have to.. run, to counter #37 immediately.” I ran, jumped & slid with hundred times looking back at the entrance. I was hoping Mo could catch me.

What’s that? I wanted to go & I wanted to stay, not either or.

We checked in, walked up to the customs by escalator. Still didn’t see him. That quickest kisses goodbye in the car was the one. I like that, it’s a truly GOODBYE. We didn’t have to be hesitating to say 100 times bye & no chance to create the missing part. It’s cool!

Luckily, the airport is very tiny that Lavin & I didn’t have to run far to the gate. Oh, by the way, the reason why they would let us in was - the fight was delayed. arrrrrrrrr again! This time was ok as I wasn’t alone and I definitely needed a rest. Lord, I was been up for 18 hours with non-stop activities.

After 2-hour flight/coma, we were back to London Gatwick airport. UK customs are always annoying. How come they like to see my toes and suspect that I would have partners in their country? Mail-order brides don’t pay for their flights, come on!

Meeting J at the arrivals. He's a nice guy when he's not abnormal. I stopped seeing him 'coz I lied to him. He was sent to a hospital b'coz of me but I don't have a chance to see him and soon he was sent back to UK. I gave him a shout when I decided to spend a weekend there in Brighton. I appreciated that he came all the way down from the North to spend a weekend together. We had a massive fight from the last separate. Anyway, it was good to see him doing well. I gave him my warmest hug.

I was very tired. I needed to get on a train to take another nap. I ran to the ticket box by the last drop of my energy & put a note out for the train tickets for 3 of us. He stopped me & said, “I’ll get it!” ~WOW~

Then, he talked to the officer, “I pay for 2, one for my lady, one for myself.” .... Respect, man! What about my friend standing next to you? And hey who the F your lady is???? “You have to pay 1 quid more per each ticket because only 3 purchases at once are entitled for the discount.” the officer said. He managed to dig a hole to step in, lovely jubbly!

It took 45 mins from there to Brighton but it was like 450 mins long. I could not sleep when he was staring at me & said,

“I have a surprise for you. I’m not telling you now.”
“so so but now, absolutely happy to be with you!”
“I’m working in a Motorola. You know Motorola? a big big big int'l firm!"
“Absolutely fantastic babe.”
“Fantastic! This sunny day & you make my day!”
“I can just look at you for the rest of my life, you’re absolutely beautiful!”
“Who said I gotta go back to Glasgow after this weekend? Maybe i move to HK next week, who knows?”
Note: He was speaking all these scary words with a big sweet smile Disappointed
Soon, i recalled the blaoody scenes of J . I don’t intend to be mean but I have to record all these to tell myself that some people are never gonna change and some people are always living in their illusions. There is no way to understand them. I have no idea I had ever given him a wrong signal. Should I convince myself that there is no friendship between X&Y?

Arrived! Happily breathing in Brighton. It was a happy sunny day. People looks nicer than Londoners. Clean streets, big sky, sea breeze, wow lovely city! I took a fresh breath of freedom when J was away to look for ATM. It's gleeful when he's not around.Hot

I talked to a guy (male needed!!) there when I was waiting. He’s local, he told me about the Lanes & Oxygen but he didn’t know what was going on that night. said he’s only 17 & not a clubber.

We got in a cab, headed to the hotel, paid & checked in. Thanks J for the most beautiful thing he achieved - this is the hotel we stayed.

it's semi sea-view!! I love that big sky, it’s very beautiful!! I was going to take a power nap & go for the sunset but again, there’s no way to sleep when he’s around Angry

We walked to the Brighton Pier to have our 3pm Breakfast. then, walking around in the beautiful sunshine. Brighton Pier is too artificial to me. it's more like a park but good to be close to the sea.

We did some slow shopping in a candy shop. lots of nuggets, cocktail favourite candies and some pink cock lollipops for our homies :)

and we walked by the Big Beach Boutique 4's stage!! oh.. excited!!

I was unhappy in that beautiful afternoon. I was tired, I was slow, I was walking on the clouds, I couldn’t act, I couldn’t fight so I ignored him. I was sick of the sweetness he thought & I hated him to touch me, not even shoulder to shoulder!! Here I apologize to my dearest Lavin. Our days could have been better, I am sorry!!

Finally we made our beds at 6PM. We set the alarm to wake up at 10PM ‘coz there are 22 bars & clubs highlighted on my list but we were going to spend only one weekend there.

I was the first one to wake up. I screamed that’s after 1AM already!! My night's ticking out oh my god! After a whole mess of quick shower, make up, got dressed. J woke up to shooting loads of negative power on me & Lavin grumpily. Saying no one gonna party now, people were either being tripping or very drunk, the bar were gonna to be closed once we stepped in, blah blah blah.. ENOUGH! “I’m very very very sorry to wake you up but you don’t have to join us at this shitty hour as you think.” I said.

He got ready in 3 mins & we all left the room when he’s still rumbling.

We jumped into a cab and it stopped in 30 seconds. The hotel is very close to the clubs area, LOL! We ran down to the sea side to check Digital, Honey club, etc. but they're all closing. It's so strange for me until I saw someone's watch when I asked for directions... it's almost 4A.M.!! damn, we overslept again!!

Is he a devil or just a child? He put on a biggest smile on his face when we saw drunken people on the street & I was sure he wanted to laugh out loud when we got stopped to get into Funky Buddha Lounge since it gonna close. He stopped smiling until there’s a guy came to me & brought us to another bar close by - Entourage.

1 Middle Street,
Brighton, BN1 1AL, UK

+44 - 0 - 8450 178198

Venue Size:
2-Floor Bar

*Opposite The Globe, and down from Casablanca. It plays RnB but still, dress well!

Poor that guy brought us there but he couldn’t get into the bar. He might think Asian girls are mean since Lavin & I got in without checking if he’s alright. He would never know the reason behind that we were walking away from J so we couldn’t look back. Sorry mate.

J smiled again ‘coz he kicked that guy out. Lavin & I couldn’t smile at all ‘coz of the RnB & those not very charming gays. We needed to help ourselves.

Checking with the locals is much better than reading the guide book. W.C. is the best venue. However, it wasn’t my time. There’s only 2 blond girls climbing around... I had no clue how to join them. it's a good tour though that I found there’s another room upstairs. I met a black guy who knows about Charlie up there. He was about to go, he jotted me his no. to ring up the next day. While he’s writing, I looked around & found myself in a paradise compares to the ground floor.

Lavin ran upstairs after I told her what I’ve seen. I disliked hanging out with J alone so I walked out for a cigarette break.

The miracle happened before my fag burnt out. Lavin came out with 5 guys & told me that we’re leaving. She’s a legend!! She also told me to say bye to J but not giving any fantasy. I don’t use to do this shit but I have to. It’s no point to ruin my holiday and it’s just the 1st day in Brighton. “Lavin & I are off now. See you tomorrow.” I said. I was going to give him a goodbye kiss but he turned away. Hey, I like that move :)

Crazy shit happened since then. We took 120 cans of redbull from an unlocked van to their house and smoked under those funny tunes...

Brighton, UK

Lavin & I left the house at 10AM. We need to go to the bank to cash some $$ & to dig out our tickets to the gig later in the afternoon.

We couldn’t get into the hotel room, someone locked inside. We were out of a super oily breakfast on St James Street. It was a lovely Saturday morning. So grateful for the warmness from the sunshine, sitting at a cafe with my hot chocolate, being served by this cute waiter:

After this lovely breakfast, we had to crash back to the hell. We were out of cash. There was a couple of hours left until the banks close but we still couldn’t open that f**king door! We asked help from everyone in the hotel but it didn’t work with the spare key. It could be very serious ‘coz no one answer the door for more than an hour. Suddenly, the door opened... - right after a hotel staff shouted that they gonna call the police. “May I go back to sleep now?” he said.

F**k yes you may!

Lavin & I grabbed our passports, wallets, the room key and locked everything in our luggage then ran. It’s no fun to play games with women.

We walked to the banks on Queen’s Road. We saw the party people were getting ready for the afternoon :) We cashed the traveller cheque & went shopping!! I got TT a lot of creative stuffs, she must love ‘em I know HaHa! We stopped at The Royal Pavilion but we didn’t get in as it charges £12 on cover, plus we were running late.

It took us 30 mins to figure it out which bus & which stop we got to go. After a big fight with a stubborn bus driver, we made it to Montpelier Road. It looks not far from our hotel actually as we could see the pier from there. Graham’s mate helped us to get the concert tickets b’coz that gig is only available for Brighton residents. Big thanks to MadSteve & G!

Said Brighton people escape away from town whenever there’s a big event happening. Steve was the one & he tried to deliver them to the hotel but failed ‘coz someone didn’t confirm the room at the last minute! Anyway, Lavin & I enjoyed this treasure hunt a lot. Since I didn’t get the treasure map & direction until I was on ibiza, I just jotted down the address roughly. I wasn’t sure what the email content was, something like we have to dig out the ground from that basement. Smart Lavin stopped me when I tried to take out that dirty floor matt which i believe it has been soak in the trainpotting toilet. I was very lucky to have non-blind mate to travel with. Lavinia saw my name on the door, haHa. We found an envelope carried our tickets & stuck on the door. We took them & put back some sweet treats back. Hope Steve would like them!!

We were wrong that place was not close to the hotel at all. We forgot that coast is miles long! We walked 6 blocks under the sun but still couldn’t grab a cab. We found that we walked back to Queens Road already. The street was getting busy. Everyone was heading to the beach. It was 3pm, Big Beach Boutique 4 started. I couldn’t wait to get into the party on the beach. First of all, I need a nap, just a power nap could refresh me.

WOW our room was empty. HeeHee.. we could sleep naked, eiiiiiiiiiha!

the above "before & after" pics shown we were overslept again...

The gig was not far from our hotel & the music was getting louder enough to wake me up. I got dressed quickly but not ready yet, I forgot to make a phone call to the guy I met the night before. I dialled a call to place an order with my back against to the receptionist. When I put down the phone, the receptionist said I could speak louder - it’s Brighton here! WOW I love that city hahaha & I love that girl too. She has no name but she has my home girl VikVik’s voice & accent. She called her dealer to do the delivery so I didn’t have to go far for it. She’s so cool! We are friends since then after the sharing.

Gearing up to head to the beach! It was very touching to me by every step I got closer to the stage. Big Beach Boutique - Fatboy Slim, Layo & Bushwacka, Danny Tenaglia (hi again!) & the Whip, here we’re coming! I planned to go to this gig before planning for ibiza. This trip was supposed to go for the festivals. As I mentioned in another entry, I watched the Cranberries of Woodstock 1994 again another night & I realized the first time I watched the video was 12 years ago. By then, I told myself I gotta go to those music festivals after I graduated. This is why I planned a trip to UK. However, there is no festival in late September when I can take off. The only thing I found was Big Beach Boutique.

I was very impressed. Here we were going to complete the last & also the first task of the trip. There’s only 20,000 people which is just 10% from the past BBB but this’s the biggest outdoor event I’ve ever been to! It took an hour for us to get closer to the stage! But it worth & the slow walk was amusing, my mood was pumping up on the way by passing the crazy people. Just a few photos were taken as the memory card was full. I can’t record it now as the vibe, the scene, the waves are all on my mind. One thing I’m proud to say is my bottles-hiding skill, HaHa. We got enough booze & redbull to sip & throw! Thanks to my Master Tommy heehee.

it's also fun to get out too,

Lavinia & I couldn’t wait to get changed & to go out again & have some hot dates!! I couldn’t smile once I got back to the room. J was there & mute by looking at the windows. I know something gonna happen... He said he needed a talk with me & asked Lavin to leave for awhile. So scary!!! Lavin my girl of course stayed with me. Before his long talk, I did the thickest & longest line. I guess it wasn’t that pure though as I could hear about proposal, tears, insurance, cancer stuffs.. He's such a liar - a boring liar. I bounced the door at him with the key holding in my hand. I couldn’t stand at him anymore! How come he never learn to be positive to enjoy the time but keep ruining it? Is he happy to make me be mean to him?

Lavin & I were walking on the cloud along the Marine Drive to the King's Arch.

There were many gay parties going on & I overlooked the one I was looking forward – Summer of Love at Audio.

We got free-entry to C2 where’s the official after party for BBB4 & it's crap.

The others like Digital was in a long queue

and Honey was in a longer queue.

So we went up to the Oceana.

Wait a minute,

I saw a yummy sign of CREAM opposite across the street!

Cover: £22.20;
Double-shot mixed: £6

it's a beautiful club isn’t it? But I wasn’t in the mood, just not into the party. I was worried how I could go partying in HK then! I don’t blame the ibiza effect but J blew my mood away.

It's about 3am, we felt like to have some dinner haha. We stopped at a hot dog place where’s by the sea. (it’s freezing!) We met 2 guys from Turkey that got me thought of my home girl Tweety!

I urged Lavin to run again ‘coz I would love to check the Funky Buddha Lounge where we missed the night before.

169-170 King's Road Arches,
Brighton, BN1 1NB, U.K.

+44 - 0 - 1273 725541

Venue Size:
Lounge / Bar

*strict door policy; kicking off at 3am

wow Wow WOW, I would say it’s the Yumla in Brighton! !People.Booze.Tunes! plus the untidy washrooms HeeHee..... the staffs were cool, I met the Brighton Pat, Nava(es), Des(es) & the Techno DJs. There’s a cloakroom on the left at the entrance. From there you’ll see those 2 sections behind. On the left is the bar area where is narrow to squeeze all of the thirsty people to beg for alcohol XD The toilet is at the end where posted lots of cool posters!! The other side is the dance floor there are some seats in the end that it’s a tube shape, exactly like the first scene of the Clockwork Orange where Alex & the boys were drinking milk! I love the tunes there, a lot!! The crowd was very British to me - we were in the British spaceship! that's great as long as I didn’t see anyone in the hateful k-hole. Everyone was jumping in their oysters & that’s very interesting to have them bouncing surround me.

I met Dear Daniel there, an intern from Manchester. He got attracted by me! ermmm.. literally it’s by the pattern of my jacket - it’s more like Martian language than Korean to me :p He grabbed me out for a cig break & told me he was living in Korea before. He's cute when he talks and I couldn't control to kiss him madly. It doesn’t sound cool to write this but that was my delicate moment. Soon, we left the bar. We had a long walk on Kings Road by the sea in the wind under the stars (maybe from the alcohol?!) It was so warm to listen to his stories in his sturdy arms!! Does it what the people call holiday romance?

He asked me out for lunch the next day.

Oh yeahh.. indeed! Of course!! I’m looking forward to see you to have the Sunday Roasted Brunch together & spend the afternoon in the Sunday Markets!

nahh... I didn’t tell him that but yelled out really loudly from my heart!

DAY 10
Brighton, UK

oh church, should I be guilty or gratitude?

It was a lovely morning. I like my first sight when I woke up. I had a sexy class about posh egg and I had a piece of homemade fruitcake. I chewed & swallowed dried fruits which is on my top 3 evil food list!

Lavinia picked me up for a ride at 1pm. We passed by the Pressure Point which is closed already, The Royal Pavilion again & a Sunday Market but we ended up by the sea again. We could not find a fancy English pub (see my head wasn’t functioning... It’s no difference as looking for a fancy temple!) We chose another English stuff .. deng deng.. Fish n chips

That restaurant has been told the best in town. I think so too as there was full of families & old couples. We ordered the biggest dish of cod fish & chips, greens & mushroom as appetizers & a sundae to share. The fish was nice & the chips are excellent!! It's fresh photo chips but not fries, it looks like Calbee! the Sundae came the last & cheered us a lot. It's a giant size of bowl of crispy crunch base, warm custard, fresh raspberries & blackberries (my favourite!!), 6 scoops of ice-cream with tasty syrup (a big surprise to a big syrup hater) & cream! It would be a blast to have it with all of my girls together! It costs £6 but I didn't know it would be that big. I thought everything is expensive in UK anyway. it drew all of the attentions from the babies in the house :D We shared it with a small pink lady next to us. We were very sorry to her parents. She did it in a mess, like coming out from a chocolate pool....

We decided to do nothing but resting in the hotel after the meal. We were lucky, the room was empty again but I couldn't get in asleep. I chilled in the lobby with my new french mate. she said my boyfriend was very drunk this couple of nights. bf.. he's playing drama again (!!) He even told her that he gets cancer. She said he was very drunk those couple of nights & he told her he wants to have me back and he’s going to propose me.

I vomited. I really did. The film was playing in my head - one way ticket, the surprise, tears, his angry face and how mean he would think I was when I gave him shit. I was totally frightened. I did not dare to think about the next or stay any longer.

I called Dear Daniel, saying we need a place to stay for the night. That’s it - no reason, no excuse nor pretext. The VikVik II called a taxi to stand by & I ran upstairs to wake up my lady. We packed everything in just a couple of minutes. My heart was beating like a drum during all these actions. I was in a panic, totally! Lavinia & I even hided ourselves under the windows in the cab! I could not imagine what gonna happen if he saw us.

7pm, arrived to the opposite of the church again. 2 slaves were working very hard on unloading those 2 pieces of way-over-weight luggage. We could not pull but pushing 'em forward with our butts up facing to the sky. So happy to see Dear Daniel came down to greet us, a man I do not know but i know whom I can count on. The sparkling moment happened, HE CARRIED THAT 20 TONS LUGGAGE & WALKED INTO THE BUILDING! + this superman looked so easy!!

Meeting Dear Daniel’s flatmates.. arr embarrassed!! Somehow I feel like a Vietnamese illegal immigrate. We left the house for dinner after dropping our belongings. we went to an empty thai restaurant & served by an unfriendly gay waiter.

Dear Daniel brought us to his favourite pub just in an alley from Heist. I appreciated that he showed us around though he's very tired.

That Sunday night went so quietly ‘coz of the tiresome & the listless in the end of the trip. Oh man, we gonna go back to the hongkieland the day after :(

Time flies and the happy time blasts off.

DAY 11
Brighton -> London, UK

it was a Monday morning, a normal working weekday in UK.

I was awake by the alarm at 5ish. Everyone should leave the house by 6AM but who could leave the warmness in passionate arms under the blanket? An evil woman made a man to call in sick & told her friend to go back to sleep after she got her makeup done. I’m helpless. I love sleeping!!

Finally I woke up at 10am. Lavin & I decided to do our last shopping in Brightonia instead of London to avoid being rush & spending too much time on travelling.

North Laine, you’re too famous that we couldn’t miss you out!

We thought we should start from the Queen’s Road, where the cabby showed us on our arrival. However, we got leaded by a narrow lane. We saw a big poster from BBB4 at a stall. That’s a very nice souvenir for me.

Not far from the stall, there’s a remake vintage boutique “RED MUTHA” . That shop is very cool. Those outfits are magnify but wearable. They remade a pull up into a shorts, a tee + lace = a dress, jeans mixed with pvc bags into a tuxedo!! It’s very creative and the owners are so kind ( I found I love gay people so much after this trip). So bad that I spent an hour in the fitting room but nothing fit me. Why don’t I have a British height & cups, my lovely dresses? They gave me a freebie to comfort me. They showed me their workshop in the basement. That’s the life runway project to me! They do mail order as well. I would love to send them my three measurements but definitely come to pick up my own piece!!

It’s just a start of this lovely Trafalgar Street. We heard a lot of independence stores in another side of the street were calling for us and at the same time, we were seized by the wonderful paintings on every single the buildings. Ingenious!!

We grabbed a puff as a brunch since the time was limited during the last shopping! We got some sexy dresses, scarves, handbags, hats, jumpers, tees. Only put our hands off from the sunglasses that were like 2.5 times more than the ones from HK. Lavin & I were broke after checked half of the street. We walked to the bank on Queens Road and we found we were exactly in the North Laine!

wow we met that Turkish guy again! We had a nice chat at the hot dog delicatessen at 3 in the morning on Sunday. His mom shot this photo:

5h30 PM!!! We ran & bounced back to Dear Daniel’s apartment. There’s no space to do packing anymore. I dropped some stuffs for Dear Daniel. I know he may not use or touch them but I just don't wanna throw it away. Also I know if I receive them again sometimes, I would be very happy. I don't mean to see him again. It's like if those little things turn up again one day in another presentation, I would remember this trip & that moment:)

In the end, I left his apartment with a solid box, a backpack & a handbag!! ..errrr such a “big green” woman..

We reached the train station at 18:30 & tried to catch the train to Victoria departs at 18:40 & there was a long queue at the ticket box. I spoke loudly to the crowd, ‘Excuse me, I’m going to catch the flight at Heathrow in 3 hours, may I cut the line please?”

Surprisingly, everyone said sure to me. Again, Brighton people beats Londoners!

I thought I’m well trained from those two times goodbye of this trip but not true. I was quite depressed after saying bye to Dear Daniel. Maybe it’s b’coz of finishing this 10-day brain off madness trip. Lavin & I cheered ourselves up by reviewing the photos & videos we took from the last 10 days. What a joyful ride!Back to Victoria, back to be a coolie. This time, we didn’t wait to be assisted but stopped big guys to help me on moving our luggage!

I thought I’m well trained from those two times goodbye of this trip but not true. I was quite depressed after saying bye to Dear Daniel. Maybe it’s b’coz of finishing this 10-day brain off madness trip. Lavin & I cheered ourselves up by reviewing the photos & videos we took from the last 10 days. What a joyful ride!Back to Victoria, back to be a coolie. This time, we didn’t wait to be assisted but stopped big guys to help me on moving our luggage!

Finally got to the airport. We did our real last shopping for Mixmag, ProDJ, Wallpaper, Decor after got the refund from the oyster card & the boarding pass from the BA counter.

This is the last photo taken in Europe:

I Will Be Back!

DAY 12
Eastern London, UK

it was a Monday morning, a normal working weekday in UK.

Yes, I woke up in Stratford, Eastern London b'coz Lavinia & I got stopped at the custom entrance the evening before.

They sent us back to the BA counter & the CS officer told us we were late to get into the plane!! The mistake we made was we thought every big city is as efficient as HK. We got cheated by its fabulous out looks, always! We got postponed to the next flight which is 20 hours after.

GEEEEEE.. we’ve just spent all of our money and..How should we kill these 20 hours & where we gonna stay that evening? My SOS contact list was packed with that big box. All I got was a flatted cell phone.

God loves people with SonyEricsson - I found someone to lend me the battery!! A blast SMS were sent to everyone I know. Unexpectedly, the first offer I got was from Alex! And surprisingly, I found an "used 20£-note" attached with my cell phone case!!!This last note got us a £8 on tube tickets, £5 on a cab & £7 on Chinese take-away yumyum. Damn, that’s the meal we had after that one & only puff we had in the afternoon!

Alex is such a good guy. he wrote us the address n directions, all the way kept track of our schedule by sending us text to our HK no. We arrived his apartment in the midnight. That's early Tuesday. I doubt if I would do the same to leave my bed & pick up someone whom just met once. Thanks god & Alex and I'm such a lucky person! He told me he has been worse than that while he was in Germany with empty pocket & missed his flight. HaHa.. classic!

Alex's flatmate was sleeping and we made it all the way silence to his room and i just shout WOW... He made his bed for us,.. IMPRESSED!! 'coz his room was a 亂葬崗 before - hills of dirt clothes, socks, shoes & ties were everywhere. typical single man haha.

We agreed with Alex that we had to leave at 8AM together. Then, I found my new talent to make people slipped away from work - He failed on waking us up. It was too late for him to go to work then. He called in sick & I felt guilty.. I really did. Also to Luke, too. I proudly told him thousand times that i sacrificed the last day of my vacation to come back early for his bday. Arrr.. we’re missed on his special day. SORRY guys.

We left the house at 11am to head to Oxford Street. Cash some $$ & shopping!

Eventually, I saw the famous rainy day of London. I wanted a Burberry raincoat on me. I forgot to extend my sun booking for this extra day.

I prefer independent stores than the chains. Highly recommend the shops in Kingly Court on Carnaby Street. cool stores!

HaHa my shoes just broke in the right time. it's a prefect excuse to spend $. Nothing special happened on the last day until I got lost in the sea of people on the street. I got Lavin frighten & I pretended that I wasn't afraid at all.

The truth is I stayed in clam the whole day. I had to get myself ready to go back to the real life since I was constantly partying for the past 10 days & been to the greatest time I had of the year. I needed to start my time out. Furthermore, my bags were really heavy.

After a cappuccino in Trafalgar Square, we went off to the airport. Arrrrrrrrrrr.. this time for real.

I believe Lavin & I were exhausted since we jumped into the tube. We didn’t make any stop until we got to the gate. I was reading my MixMag but my mind was actually rewinding the clips from this trip.

Outdoor gig, backyard, mega clubs, happiness sharing, getting lost, no Cantonese speaking, paella, hitch a ride in a jungle, muscles, sun rise, luna, being rush, 10-times!!, escaping, lack of sleep, techno the whole afternoon, paul van dyk, London Eye, Fake Chinese food, bleeding, etc. Beside Facebook status update, I did not have much connections to the place I live. This trip was restless & rush but definitely releasing myself out to free.

On the outbound, my tears dropped; on the returning, I put a biggest smile on my face! I saw a piece of fruit cake on my meal tray :) This is the warmest meal I ever had in the aircraft.

One thing I realize from the trip is the best-laid plan is no planning at all. Things go well to the easy people. Look at me & Lavinia. You don’t have to push. It comes when it has to come.

There is another thing I am definitely positive -

I gonna go to ibiza again next Summer!!!!